
Your generous donations play a crucial role in ensuring the continued success and sustainability of our festival, allowing us to bring together world-class artists, provide exceptional  programming, and create unforgettable experiences for our community.

Whether you choose to make a one-time contribution or become a monthly donor, your support helps us preserve and celebrate the rich tapestry of folk music while fostering a vibrant cultural scene in our region. With every donation, you become an integral part of our musical journey, enabling us to spread joy, ignite passions, and create lasting memories for generations to come.

Join us in preserving the magic of folk music and making a meaningful impact on our community. Together, we can keep the melodies alive and ensure that the Canmore Folk Music Festival continues to inspire, entertain, and enrich lives for years to come.

Make your donation today and become a part of something truly special. Thank you for your generosity and support!
